It has become a world of get-rich quick thinking with the advent of the internet and with access of any one person to the internet-using world. Posting You-tube videos can make you a star over night, having a website of a product gives you access to everyone without having to go through the usual channels, you can publish your own book, and so on. All of this is great in one way but for someone like me, its just more pressure, especially as I inch towards thirty. If I could just focus on one thing, I could get it out there and get rich and help the world, but which one thing? I am interested in so many things, I feel stretched in so many directions. Anyways for now I'm trying to see what I can do with this invention because personally I really need it myself.
I always thought I'd be a millionaire by the time I was 16, then I extended it to 20, then thirty and I'm still not there, not even close. Logically thinking, I am very driven, very educated, and have great ideas (I think so anyway) and energy, but so far I haven't had any success of that sort. Seems unfair, too much having to do with luck, too much randomness, and chaos based events in our world. It would have been much better if there was a formula. I remind myself often that I have done a lot for my first 29 years, but I guess I'm not satisfied, and I also remind myself it's important to be satisfied with the things I have accomplished. I don't know if with each year one learns to be more appreciative of life or one develops higher expectations of oneself. Either way I have to keep trying to change the world, get rich, and do whatever I can. The meaning of 'life is too short' is starting to hit harder than it used to.
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