Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Eighties toys

It seems like I was watching My Little Pony commercials last week, but it was about 20 years ago. I seriously can't believe that I was just playing with toys and now my friends have kids who are playing with toys, very different toys for the most part.

I can't stress enough that I really still feel like I should be playing with toys and that I'm not done yet. And I'm certainly not ready to be sharing toys with the new generation.

It's just really the concept of the change of toys and are memories with them or other people's memories with them. I wasn't a big fan of toys growing up. There were a few I liked, my doctor set, my pink panther, and my uncle had bought me an airplane which had the air hostesses moving back and forth inside. I loved it. I also liked playing house, and airport, and visa office. Yes visa office, thats what happens when you are raised in Iran. Its what you hear growing up. You need a visa for almost anywhere.
By going back and forth to the UK as a child around the age of 5 and up, I discovered Barbie and decided I loved it and wanted to collect them. I wasn't sure if I actually really liked Barbie or thought I should have them because it was the thing to have.

We played in the street growing up and didn't really have time for toys. I loved playing football with the kids on the street, almost every day, and toys were just time killers at that stage.

When we moved to Canada I remember thinking how silly everyone is with their obsessions of New Kids on the Block and toys that they 'must' have. Even then, as a child, it seemed like a commercial hoakes and only for the feeble minded. Saying that I do remember crying about the electric cars that were always on display at the Bay or Sears. I also cried for a piano many times and for many years. I finally got an electric piano.

So toys have come and gone and I guess I still imagine that those toys are still around. My friends and I were sitting around last weekend talking about toys and of course talking about turning 30. We reminisced about the toys that we (mostly they) played with. They all remembered most of them. Amazing how much toys we played with stick in our brains. The conversation comes up frequently now, the fact that this year is the year we end our twenties and become 30 year olds. Seems like its not us or something. Its surreal, we were just kids a little while ago! And because it happens continually, one doesn't see the stages and then all of a sudden you are 30. Amazing, unexpected, nice, and shocking. And we have the toys to prove it.

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